Sunday, February 2, 2014

Retro Resin ... Rhino by Bowen Designs.....

Bowen Design's Rhino bust

Bowen Designs Rhino bust 
Design sketch by Randy Bowen

Welcome to our next installment of Retro Resin...Where we spotlight a statue or bust from years gone by.

Today we spotlight the  Bowen Design's Rhino bust. Sculpted by Randy Bowen.
And now for some thoughts....

This is a classic redition of   Marvel's Rhino and captures the look I remember as a kid.

This piece came out some time ago and still holds it's own aesthetically .
The texture on this sculpt is outstanding.The facial sculpt is spot on.

This receives  Marvel Statues A + rating. As far as I am concerned ,this is one of Randy's best sculpts . 

If your a Rhino fan pick one up,you won't be disappointed.