Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Kucharek Brothers

Kucharek Brothers Mojo Review

The Kucharek Brothers have done it again with their latest creation to hit the store shelves . This is the most complex and detailed sculpt in Bowen Designs history.The legendary Kucharek Brothers deliver their most awe inspiring sculpt yet.... MOJO!

Kucharek Brothers

   As many others have written The Kucharek Brothers always deliver something special and this sculpt give you something special on steroids. The Kucharek Brothers  excel with strange and bizarre characters , just check out  their  Watcher ,Mojo  and Groot sculpts you will see my point .To be honest  the list goes on and on .
 The complexity of this sculpt is immense especially when compared to other non Kucharek Brothers BD statues.

Kucharek Brothers Mojo

      Now some comments .........
       The statue is a real eye catcher.The pose and facial sculpt suit the character perfectly.  The Kucharek Brothers have a knack for capturing Marvel characters like no other. The legendary Kucharek's deliver  as always a top notch sculpt and well designed product.

        This is the most animated and expressive face sculpt I have seen out of BD  .

       The flabby anatomy is spot on and the figure pose captures Mojo's personality precisely. 
        Mojo is limited to 350 pieces worldwide , the production and paint  apps on mine are clean and crisp.

As many have read on the forums Randy Bowen stated this sculpt was a sculpt the Kucharek Brothers did for fun(For fun folks wow). Randy showed the sculpt off on the net ,Randy seen the reaction and put in to production.

Kucharek Brothers Mojo

               The scorpion tail is large and looks threatening as it hovers over Mojo's head.

         No detail was spared on this sculpt.The design and look of the tail  look as if it could actually work.The detail on the chair is carefully crafted and well thought out.
   Another item worth mentioning the amount of detail under the chair .There appears to be some kind of drive train and motor for the legs,very impressive details  indeed.

Kucharek Brothers Mojo
The detail on the back of the chair is incredible .Wires  run down the back of Mojo's chair appearing to create a mechanical spine. The mechanical elements are extremely well done.Creating a  cool looking visually credible sci fi technology that looks  like this chair might actually function. 

      The presence and design  of this sculpt has become a focal point in my collection .I have had this on display only a short time and I get the most comments on this piece from friends and family that stop over.

Kucharek Brothers Mojo

      It should be stated this is the type of statue is the type of sculpt that would probably be sculpted these days  digitally ,due to the complexity and  a large percetage of the sculpture being hard edged machinery.  Many sculptors will not take on traditional hard edge /machine sculpting .However the Kucharek Brothers excel at this type of work.Just check out their various Iron Man statues and busts as well as their Modok and many others you will see my point.
     The Kucharek Brothers are acomplished digital sculptors it would have been much easier to do this piece digtally.It's a testament to their talent and craftsmanship  that they chose to sculpt Mojo traditionally .

     Creating a sculpt like Mojo traditionally is no  easy task.The Kucharek Brothers once again make it look easy .This statue gets my highest marks 5 stars in a  5 star rating system.I highly recommend this sculpt.
      I would like to state in this era of my collecting ,like many others I have graduated from collecting Bowen Designs statues in favor of various highly detailed 1/4 scale lines.Just look at BD's edition sizes you will see my point . However I preorder anything that is sculpted by the Kucharek Brothers.Keep them busy BD and you will get my money....and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way.

Sculpt Rating
5***** out of  5 stars highly recommend this sculpt.